Our truest life is when we're dreams awake.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Reading Expressions

There are things that I sometimes wish I could just say without suffering the consequences of saying them. Things that I cannot even share openly with my Mother or my best friend. Those who I hold closest to me. This is because some of my thoughts in my fragile mindframe are vile. Not of harming people, but of the world. Its like I can't wrap my mind around the thought of what certain people do to fellow humans. When I walk around town or drive through the city I look at people. I look at their faces. Specifically their eyes. Because one's eyes can tell you everything you've ever wanted to know about them. Things that their mouths can't form into words. Or actions that can't be expressed soulfully. Facial expressions, they lie. A madman can tell you, with a even face, that he in fact knows what he is talking about. Even though we know otherwise. But that doesn't matter to him. What we think doesn't phase him. Because in his mind he is right. So we let him be. By doing this we open doorways to worlds we can't even fathom. By giving him the satisfaction of knowing he was right(hypothetically of course) we've created a complex. This complex leads other madmen through the opened doorway. Thus giving the world people such as Albert Einstein, Aristotle, Steven Hawking, and Socrates. Declared by the public as social madmen they rose up and believed in their true mind. Gifting the world of their priceless knowledge. This is what I wish our modern world could be. But we aren't quite there yet.

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